Thursday, December 29, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Transcendental Rebirthing (TR)?
A. This method is based on an ancient breathing technique called Pranayama breath work which has been developed with other techniques designed for the modern world.  By using the TR breath method, you are able to directly experience your own life force.  It is one of the most relaxing and blissful meditation exercises you will experience.  Rebirthing is the fastest growing personal development technique in the world.  Over 14 million people have used various rebirthing methods. This safe and powerful breathing process releases stress, tension and negative emotional programming from the body, freeing it so that a person can live to his/hers highest potential.   Abundance of energy is the key to bliss and happiness.   Life force in its purest form is most easily assimilated from air through breath.   We are not talking about oxygen.  It is the energy that gives movement to the oxygen atom itself and to everything in the Universe.

2. Why do TR sessions take place in the morning?
A.  For most people, the morning is a time in which people are the most energetic and fresh.  During a day, we can spend a lot of our energy doing a number of activities:  digesting food; working; exercising, driving, taking children to activities, etc.  All of this takes energy.  When there is stress on top of that, by the time evening arrives, most of us are tired and spent.  It is our desire as facilitators that you get the maximum benefit from a TR experience.  Starting your day with a TR session is the best way to make that happen.  There will be less of a compromise of your experience as you will have more energy in the morning.  We also ask that you do not eat before a session and that will be easier to do first thing in the day.  See FAQ 3

3. Why can't I eat before the session?
A.  One of the most important reasons is:  we don't want the call of nature to interrupt and distract you from your TR experience.  Water, tea, coffee or juice is fine up to one hour before the session's scheduled start time.  Fruit is okay an hour before as well as it digests quickly.  TR involves very focused and rigorous breathing.  Any kind of digestion takes energy, so drinking and eating very light will take less of it.  See F.A.Q. 2

4. How long does the session take?
A.  The session lasts approximately 75 minutes with 2 active parts focused on breathing and a passive part which is meditative.  A TR experience can be very impactful.   Quite often when people come out of their TR session, we have found that they want to share the experience with the group.  We highly encourage people to share their experience as we all learn from each other in this way.  We always make time available after the session.  This way, you can choose to participate in the discussion, journal about your experience or simply hang out in a quiet space.  How long you stay after the session is up to you.  We highly encourage people to stay and share.  Depending on the size of the group, the sharing portion can last about another hour.   However, if you need to leave early, please let us know ahead of time.  If you would like to share, we will make arrangements for you to go first.

5. What do I need to bring?
A.  You will be lying on your back on the floor for the session.  Bring whatever you need to make yourself comfortable and warm.  We suggest:  a yoga mat, a blanket or two, and perhaps a small pillow.  Please wear loose and comfortable clothing.   You may want to bring a bottle of water and a snack for after the session.

6. What can I expect from a TR session?
A.  Humans release bodily toxins four different ways.  In order of effectiveness they are:  breathing, sweating, defecation and urination.  TR is a focused and vigorous breathing technique.  Subsequently, you will get rid of accumulated toxins in your body.  Cleansing your body of toxins assists you in clearing your mind.  At the minimum, you will experience a very blissful and relaxing meditation.   Everyone's experience is varied and different.  I find from my own experience, it is always different in some way.  It can be very physical, emotional, relaxing, visual, enlightening or all of the above and everything in between.  Expect the unexpected is our motto.

7. Is TR done in a group setting or alone?   How many people can participate in a session?
A.  On average, there are usually 10 people in a session, however sometimes less and sometimes more.  A tremendous amount of energy gets moved during a TR session.  As the number of participants increases, the energy increases.  For first-timers, being in a group setting can have real benefits.  Sometimes it takes some time to find your own rhythm and pace of breath.  If you are struggling with this, being able to hear participants breathing may just be the encouragement you need.   We find that groups will generally work together and by the end of the session, everyone is breathing in unison.
However, if you would prefer to do a session in private or with a small group of family, friends or with a team at work let’s say, we are able to accommodate you as well.

8.  How often am I able to do TR?
A.  We participate in our own TR practice and we facilitate.  We are honored to be able to hold space for others’ experiences and typically the feedback from participants after a session is amazing.  Quite often, people are having life changing experiences.  The good news is that although each session is different and not always necessarily “life changing”, they still have the ability to be impactful, beneficial and at the very least from a “health” perspective, detoxifying and relaxing.   We cannot make any health claims however, there is enough evidence to show that stress and toxins impact our health in many ways.
In our own experiences, the benefits are accumulative.  Doing a TR session consecutively for multiple days in a row can have huge impact for you, just like it does for us.  We believe TR is a practice that is very much in alignment with yoga and also, just as impactful over a period of regular practice.   People often talk about the “mind-body-spirit connection”.  Often in yoga they speak of the “mind-body connection”.   TR is the connection to the third part of that equation:  the connection to our spirit.   In wellness, we need a healthy body, mind and spirit.   So having said all that, TR could be done every day if a person chose to do that.

9. If I choose to make it a practice, am I able to do it on my own?
A.  Unfortunately, this isn’t recommended.  As facilitators, we are there to guide you during the session so we can insure you get the maximum benefit.   As facilitators ourselves, we would never do this alone.  There are no short cuts to this kind of practice.  It's our job and responsibility as facilitators to first of all, create a safe space for you to practice in.  We are there to take care of any physical needs you may have during a session.  For example, if you get cold or hot, we will put a blanket on you or remove the blanket for you.  We are there to make sure you don’t fall asleep as this can also happen with participants.  We are there to guide and encourage you.  We are also there to time the sessions.  We don’t want you to be distracted by any outside concerns.  This is our job so that you can fully be in the experience.  On this we will not compromise.

10.  Why is it called Transcendental Rebirthing?
A.  The TR breathing technique is designed to store maximum energy from your breath.  When you go in to the meditation portion of the session, you are able to temporarily “transcend” your body for a short time because of the energy you've stored.

Birth in itself is the most powerful experience (negative or positive) of our lives.  Birth memory is imprinted into every one of our 70 trillion cells.   Many, if not most, decisions in our lives were made in relation to our birth experience, remembered or not.

The combined benefits of rebirthing with the direct experience of your personal life force help to support a person in becoming conscious and aware.

You will be reintroduced to your own life force energy.  This is the same life force energy you entered into this world with.  When you come out of a session and bring your awareness back into the room, you are literally “reborn” and “rebirthed”.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Transcendental Rebirthing Breath Workshop

This workshop facilitates a very powerful personal development technique focused on breath that has been safely used by over 14 million people worldwide.

During these workshops, deep inner cleansing occurs allowing for integration, transformation and unfolding of some of your true potential.

Childhood trauma, imprinting and programming is often brought to the surface.  It is also an effective way to detoxify the body and to get rid of unwanted stress.  A person can feel energized for days and sometimes weeks afterwards.

This workshop is based on Pranayama (breath work) which is modified into a modernized version of an ancient technique.  Through this breath work you are enabled to directly experience your own life force.

Transcendental Rebirthing also enables you to transcend your body and to access the "other" side; to enter your inner space and to turn your life around in a new and exciting direction.


Absolutely no breakfast that morning (coffee, tea, juice, water) is okay up to an hour before the session start time.  Rebirthing sessions take place in the morning.

A yoga mat, a blanket, perhaps a low soft pillow.  Sessions are done lying on your back.  Bring whatever you need to be comfortable.

Dress sporty and comfortable.  For woman, don't wear a bra if you find them constricting.

Bring your curiosity and an open mind and soul.

Monday, December 19, 2016

How do you know where you are going if you don't know where you are?

I believe before we come into this physical existence, that we have already occupied a place in ‘space’.  I don't think that it's somehow magic; that at the moment we are born, we became a life force.  

I believe we were energy beings before we started living in a physical body.  The moment of our birth is when our physical existence started; not necessarily the start of our actual existence.

You can see me and I can see you.  We can feel one another through physical touch.  As a human being, we are able to experience a wide range and variety of experiences while we are in our human bodies.  As humans, we are still creating and coming up with new activities to use our bodies and to keep pushing the boundaries of them. 

Because I can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch objects around me in my physical existence, I believe them to be real.  It's the same for everyone around me.  We all go through our daily life co-existing on this physical plane, acting as though what we see was here before we entered into the moment.  On a grander scale, most of us aren’t even aware that we are actually creating everything around us “on the fly”. 

Just like you, I also have thoughts.  I can't see them, but I know they are there.  My thoughts are a real ‘thing’ that exists for me.  Just because I can't see your thoughts, doesn't mean they don't exist and aren’t ‘real’.  Our thoughts are always with us.  We cannot get away from them.  Our thoughts have a huge impact on our inner world and in turn, creates our outer, physical world, either positively or negatively.  We have the power to create our world and our own reality with our thoughts.

We are constantly making up and telling ourselves stories in our own inner world to assist us in navigating our outer world.   The problem is these stories can be truths or they can be lies.  We sometimes make up stories that we think will keep us safe. 

We have a thought and then our subconscious mind starts painting the picture in our mind's eye.  Actually I believe the truth is our subconscious mind started to paint the picture just before the thought came to us.  Once we have the picture, we start telling ourselves stories based on what we see.

I have the belief that I live a life of creation.  Everything I've ever wanted, I've thought about first.  I've made it happen in my ‘mind's eye’ before becoming a reality in my physical world.  Everything I've ever wanted I've got.  How do I know?  I just have to look around me and the evidence is everywhere.  I also believe that the deeper the connection to self, the deeper is the understanding of creation.  For me, TR is the repeated reintroduction to self.

Transcendental Rebirthing has taught me that we are all in this together.  We are all a part of a Universal life force that exists around us, whether we are aware of it or not.  Our awareness of ‘it’ has nothing to do with its existence. 

Quite simply put, Transcendental Rebirthing is the practice of the reintroduction to yourself.  TR puts you face to face with your own life force energy; this energy being that does all of the thinking, all of the worrying, all of the 'energy' work.  I think it's the same life force energy that existed before I came into the physical world.  I also think it's the same life force energy I'll leave this ‘world’ with when I die. 

The fact that I can connect with my life force energy directly like this on this physical plane repeatedly and transcend my body without me having to die truly astonishes me. 

When I do TR, things seem to become clearer.  Things become more focused.  The stories that I make up and tell myself to help me understand my human experience disappear.  I'm left with nothing but my truth.  I'm experiencing myself as I truly am.  The closer I get to my inner truth, the more details I see in the painting of my mind's eye.  Then I feel like I'm able to be more genuine in my physical world. 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

It Was a Very Good Year

If you are on Facebook at all these days, you'll likely come across posts in which people are expressing their frustration with the year 2016.  People just want it gone.  Lately, these types of posts seem to appear every time another celebrity dies; in which by all accounts, there have been a lot in 2016.

At times, I've been tempted to comment on some of these posts.  But I didn't, because I thought my response would be inappropriate in the moment.  You see, I thought they would be inappropriate because I'm of the opposite view. 

I've found 2016 to be a very good year.  But you know what?  This has been a pattern for me for quite a number of years.  2016 was a better year than 2015.  2015 was a better year than 2014 and so on.  It’s all about perspective and how you look at things.

Looking back, so much has happened.  There were a lot of changes these past few years.   We moved from Calgary to Edmonton in September 2014.  It was time to be of service to Martina's aging parents.  So we made a decision to move to Edmonton and spend more time with them.

Martina’s father died on June 4th of this year at the ripe old age of 89.  He spent the last two and a half years of his life in a nursing home; slowing deteriorating and dying.  So even though we miss him, his suffering is over.  He was such an awesome guy.  He will always be in our thoughts.  Martina's mother just turned 89 on November 16th and is in great health.  I think she'll be with us for some time still.

I find myself really fortunate.  I've managed to combine my passions with my work for almost two decades now.  As my interests changed and evolved, so did my work.  I've always had a passion for music and reproducing it with quality in my home.  I worked and managed audio/video electronic stores for a number of years to fuel my passion.  I've put together a great AV system that still gets used daily.  Music is part of my everyday life.

And then, a number of years ago, I discovered I have a passion for cycling.  Nowhere does it feel more “Zen like” to me than when I am on a bicycle, cranking out pedal strokes.  Being out on a mountain trail on a bicycle is one of the most thrilling things I've experienced.  Climbing to the top of a hill or mountain under your own physical power and energy and then to be greeted by an amazing view and descent down the mountain is awesome!  I spent a number of years working in a large, highly successful bike shop to fuel my passion and learned a lot there too.

My father bought me a gas-engine mini bike when I was eight years old.  I've been hooked on motorcycling ever since.   It's been fifty years now.  I've owned motorcycles for more years in my life than I've been without. 

To further fuel my passion, I worked in motorcycle shops.  I worked at a Harley Davidson shop in Calgary and purchased my first HD.  Up until recently, I worked in a motorcycle shop here in Edmonton.

I say recently, because I was laid off in mid October.  So here I am.  I'm going to be 58 years old in February, 2017.  I'm unemployed and am now on EI.  And, I live in my mother-in-law's basement.  How can I say that 2016 was a good year then?

I've long realized that my life is the result of all of the choices I've been making since I was born.  No one else has led me here.  I've always made choices that felt right for me, so it's no accident that I am exactly where I am today.  I feel good about where I am even though people might perceive it differently.

I've created a life that allows me to make decisions and choices based on ‘want’ instead of ‘need’.  Do I need to work?  Yes I do.  I feel the need to fuel my passion though. 
Sharing TR is one of my life's passions.  It had such a huge impact on my life that the thought it may have the same impact on someone else's life, is the fuel that keeps me going.   The method of TR for me helps me get a clear view of the path ahead of me.

The most amazing part of sharing Transcendental Rebirthing with others is the overwhelmingly positive feedback that we receive.  It makes it completely worth the effort for me.   It is this feedback that shows me I'm on the right track.

I am really looking forward to 2017.  I have the feeling it's going to be better than 2016.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Getting High on Life

I've always had the feeling that perhaps, there is something more.  By 'more' I mean, something more than just this physical existence; like there is a parallel world that exists on some energetic level.

Looking back in hindsight, I realize that from a very young age I've been seeking 'something'.  In my younger years, I satisfied that need to look for ‘more’ with chemical drugs.  After these ‘trips’ ended, there were times when I would literally ‘land back’ on my feet.  I would look around me and have the realization that I had just ‘come back’ in this moment.  Unfortunately, it was a drug trip and not a real vacation or holiday.   Questions for me still remained:  Where was this trip?  What part of my psyche was I tapping into?

Doing chemical drugs is harmful and dangerous, to say the least.  At times I’m surprised that I made it out relatively unscathed.  I do not condone drug use nor will I deny they were a part of my past.  I mention it here because it's relevant to where I am today.  Once at the age of 16, I remember being on an acid trip and having flashes in front of my eyes.  It felt like I was tapping into this place of Universal knowledge.  It felt in that moment, like I had the Universe ‘figured out’ on an energetic level.  That was 42 years ago.

There is a documentary called “DMT:  The Spirit Molecule” that I would encourage people to watch.  This natural chemical, DMT, is present in most life forms.  The release of DMT into our physical chemistry system is how we experience bliss.  Research into psychedelic drugs showed that chemicals can have a similar effect.  Below are a few quotes from the documentary.

”Psychedelics takes us from science to the spirit,” says Alex Grey (Artist).

“The pineal gland at certain times when it’s under specific stress or stimulation, releases a significant amount of this hormone DMT.  It’s that hormone that facilitates the entering and exiting of the soul in the body. This is what the Jewish sage mystics have been describing in a coded language for thousands of years,” says Joel Bakst (Rabbi).

“DMT makes it clear that disembodied consciousness is a possibility,” says Terence McKenna (Writer/Psychonaut).

Did you know that in 1970, the U.S. government stopped all research into psychedelic drugs because they found that for a great majority of participants, it was the starting point to their ‘road to enlightenment’?   This drug experience challenged their belief system so much that they started to question everything.  The “powers that be” know that an enlightened population does not make for good consumers. 

Jeremy Narby (PhD/Anthropologist) says, “Why is it in the entire Western world, these substances that are found to be so interesting by hundreds of cultures for thousands of years, are prohibited?”

“Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today,” says Graham Hancock (Writer).  “Of course we accept drunkenness.  We allow people some brief respite from the material grind."

Recent developments are showing that as Canadians, we are becoming more accepting of marijuana use.  Our government’s acceptance of it comes from their desire to tax its consumption of course, just like alcohol.    

My seeking eventually turned towards books.  In books, I discovered that there were others that had very much the same philosophy of life as I did.  It was reassuring to know I wasn't alone in my seeking of finding 'more'.  Reading these kinds of books held real impact for me.  They coincided with this internal longing that I was not able to verbally express.  The written word can be a very powerful and useful tool.  

I met my partner, Martina 18 years ago back in 1999.  Martina and I have been on a path of personal growth and discovery.  Over that period of time, she has been the one that has led us to our next ‘discovery’.  We purposefully sought out experiences that challenged our belief systems.  Looking back, those experiences had as much or more impact on me as the drug experiences did.  One big difference is that participating in personal growth courses is far less dangerous and harmful.  Our seeking eventually led us to Transcendental Rebirthing breath work.

Now that I've experienced TR so many times, I obviously know what to expect going into a session; although it can still be different every time to some degree.  I must admit, I'm hooked on the feeling.  At the beginning of a session for the first few minutes, I work at finding my own pace and rhythm.  Then, this familiar feeling starts; a rush of energy starts to flow over me.  I can feel the build-up of energy in my body as I breathe. 

Then, I have the realization that with each intake of breath, I extend the length of my life.  I realize I can stay alive for only as long as my last breath will sustain me.  Breath is life.  My whole body starts to buzz with energy as I'm drawing my breath in.   It feels like I'm getting high; but a natural high.  If breath is life, then I'm truly getting high on life. 

TR is such a potentially life changing experience.  For me, I'm able to safely take a 'trip' using nothing but my breath; simply by using the life force energy that keeps me alive.  Years ago when I found words in books to express how I was feeling, I now struggle at times, to find words to express just how amazing an experience Transcendental Rebirthing can be.  I invite you to join us and experience it for yourself.

Friday, December 16, 2016

At times, I've lived my life in fear of letting people see the real me.  We go through our lives wearing masks.  There is a mask we wear when we are in public that might be different from the mask we wear at our jobs.  We may wear a different mask when we are with our partner than when we are completely alone.  Living a modern life asks that we wear different masks at different times depending on the role we are playing in that moment.

I'd like to quote Anees Jung:  "In each of us are wrapped hundreds of roles.  We are all faced with a thousand faces.  But the problem is when you start to play your ownself, then you frighten people because people don't want to see you as you are."
Even though we may wear different masks, there is a simple truth to it all.  How I am here now, is how I am everywhere.   For example, someone who is truthful and honest in one aspect of their life will more than likely be the same in other aspects.  It's the same with someone who is untrustworthy and dishonest.  

I believe that at our core, we know who we are.  If we have a conscience, we know intrinsically if we are being “real” with ourselves.  Being any other way can be taxing on one's soul.  I've known people in which something like this may be said about them:  "He's a nice guy when you get him away from work.”  Have you ever met someone like this in your own life?  Are you this person?  I've often wondered who the real person is.  Which behavior is more true to this person’s character then?

Ram Dass said this:  "I realized as a social psychologist, that we in the West had dealt so superficially with ourselves.  We have all gotten attached to our “roles”.  Here I am:  I'm being “Ram Dass”.  It's a role.  You are playing as though my role were real.  It's you who'll define which “I” you think of when you say “I”.

I believe that as a human being, we have three bodies.  We have a physical body, a dream body and a spirit body.  Transcendental Rebirthing reconnects us with our spirit body.  It puts us face to face with our own life force energy.  It's the “I” I think of, when I say “I”.   I've referred to this place as my "truth".  I call it this because things seem very clear to me.  Where I'm going and the path I need to take seems to unfold in front of me.  I just have to listen and not be fearful of taking off my mask to reveal who I really am.

Modern life can busy us with tasks that act more like distractions than activities that move us forward as human beings.   Transcendental Rebirthing is my regular practice that cleanses, rejuvenates and grounds me so that I'm better equipped to deal with the physical world around me.  Each time I do TR, another layer is peeled away and the world opens up in front of me.

Unmasked my job is to share Transcendental Rebirthing with you.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The first time I experienced Transcendental Rebirthing (TR for short), I couldn't believe that what I was experiencing was possible from doing something as seemingly as simple as breathing.  To say it had an impact on my life would be an understatement.

The human body is such an amazing machine.  We go through our day without having to give any thought to the mechanics of our bodies.  During my day, I don't suddenly realize that I have forgotten to breathe and start choking.  Breathing is an automatic system that my body takes care of for me.  It's the same mechanism that allows me to imagine what I want to write and then my fingers automatically strike the keyboard as I type this message. 

This mechanism that all human beings share is our energy, our life force, our spirit.  It’s the force that keeps us running.  Quite simply put, Transcendental Rebirthing is a breathing exercise designed to put one face to face with one’s life force energy.  For some people, this may be the first time in their lives they've experienced something this profound.  This breath exercise is done in a way that maximizes the body's ability to store energy. 

The session is broken down to three parts. There are two active sessions of focused and vigorous breathing.  It is during the active sessions where one has the self realization that breath is pure energy; breath is life.  A person could feel their body becoming more and more energized with each successive breath.  It soon becomes a smooth flow of energy.  The third part of the exercise is passive.  Once we have reached a point where we have stored enough energy in our bodies, we are able to transcend the body for a short time.  We enter a passive state in which we are able to focus on our energy body and not the physical body, thus transcending.

It's all very simple and very safe.  It's nothing more than controlled and focused breathing. We are here to guide you through the process and to provide a safe space for your experience.

At the minimum, this exercise can be the most relaxed and blissful meditation exercise you may have experienced.  For others like me, it can prove to be life changing.  The place where I go when I transcend my body is what I like to call:  The Truth.  I call it that because there is no doubt as to where I am.  And sometimes, even more importantly, there leaves no doubt as to what I need to do.

Breathing is the most cleansing of any activity we do.  A human being releases more bodily toxins through breath than we do through sweating, urinating or defecating.  It is vital that we cleanse our bodies regularly.  Due to the number of toxins in our food, water, air, household and cleaning products, cosmetics, toiletries, products we purchase, and more, we NEED to cleanse regularly to stay healthy. 

As we cleanse our bodies of toxins, TR also cleanses the mind.  I come out of this experience with a fresh and rejuvenated outlook on my life.  I come out of the experience cleansed both physically and mentally.  It's the perfect start to your day:  a cleansed body and mind with a fresh attitude.

We look forward to guiding you through your own amazing Transcendental Rebirthing breathing session.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Welcome to The Breathing Room

It is our honor to welcome you here. The first time I experienced Transcendental Rebirthing (TR for short), I was immediately struck with the notion that this event is of enough significance that it needed to be shared with everyone.  Shortly after this, I was struck with the realization that sharing Transcendental Rebirthing is my life's purpose.

It seems like all of the zigzags throughout my life was in fact a straight road to this very moment in time.  My personal relationships, my work experience, all of my life's trials and tribulations, all of my personal experiences, were my training ground to get me to this point of my life.

Martina (my partner) and I became certified to facilitate TR in February 2016. Shortly thereafter, we started hosting sessions for groups at a local yoga studio here in Edmonton.  The overwhelmingly positive and immediate feedback we received from those first sessions was our encouragement and motivation to share Transcendental Rebirthing with the general public.

The choices I have made leading up to this point have put me in a position in which I'm able to devote my days to sharing TR.  It's my life's greatest honor and pleasure to share this experience with people.  I would like to thank all of the people that have participated in our sessions so far.  And I would also like to thank, in advance, any future participants.

Sharing Transcendental Rebirthing is my life's purpose. By participating, you are assisting me in living my life to my purpose.  And, it could change your life as it has mine.

Rick Benyei